Meditation Retreat in the Mountains
Module Three: 5 days, Adirondacks
Date: June 23-27, 2023
Facilitator: Antonia
During this retreat we utilize medicinal meditation tools and techniques to harness nature’s powerful magic and teachings in opening a direct connection to the Divine source within you, as you traverse the space between the realms of the rainbow bridges - this is the direct connection with the Divine, the mystical place of everything and nothing. Its Death. Its Rebirth.
This is most significantly a Wholistic reset that allows for a deep release of destructive emotional and mental patterns, as well as an influx of life force that is both inspirational and healing. We will implement dynamic practices and explore 3 levels of dropping deeper into source consciousness.
Day 1- AM Arrival, Orientation, Opening ceremony, One-on-One journey Healing Sessions, Dinner, Rest.
Day 2- Integration, Healing Sessions with group support, Dinner, relax
Day 3- Healing Session group work, afternoon group process, decompressing the work, integration
Day 4- Break out groups for integration sessions practicing, deepening
Day 5- Closing & late morning departure